Documentary film about Occupation as occupants see it. Five countries of Warsaw Pact occupied zechoslovakia in 1968. 50 years after, 5 directors from these 5 countries are shooting 5 short films about invasion from the point of view of people, who took part as occupants.
Directed by: Linda Dombrovszky (HUN part), Stephan Komandarev (BG), Marie Elisa Scheidt (GER), Magdalena Szymkow (PL), Evdokia Moskvina (RU)
Photographed by: Ákos Nyoszoli (HUN part), Vesselin Hristov (BG), Moritz Tessendorf (GER), Zuzanna Kernbach (PL), Jakub Halousek (RU)
Editor: Levente Pap (HUN part), Nina Altaparmakova (BG), Denize Galiao (GER), Izabela Pajak PSM (PL), Matej Benes (RU)
Producer: Péter Kerekes, s.r.o (SK)
Co-producer: Ágnes Horváth-Szabó (HUN part), András Pires Muhi (HUN part), Filip Remunda (CZ), Vit Klusak (CZ), Martichka Bozhilova (BG), Stanislaw Zaborowski (PL)
Length: Feature length documentary film + series of 5 x 26’
Status: in post production