Beauty of the Beast is a documentary about women who transform themselves into beasts Female bodybuilders use their bodies as a tool: inner strength manifests in the flesh. They have the body of Hulk, but the wardrobe of Barbie. They don’t mind that their sexually extreme appearance makes them outcasts. They find comfort in a different way: by taking control over each detail of their material existence.

Diving under the glitter and the tanned skin, we explore the world of women bodybuilders as we look for the reasons that lay behind their lifestyle. We want to show the complexity of female bodybuilding through empathy and understanding, and to make the viewer realize that these bleach-haired, deep-voiced, colossal people are also someone’s little girl, someone’s bride, who have been and are still seeking the same thing as we all do; to be accepted.

Our characters represent different approaches to bodybuilding. Through their stories we come to know the psychological and sociological aspects of this phenomenon. We will be introduced to the bodybuilder subculture, which, on one hand, is a distorted reflection of today’s beauty ideal, while on the other, it provides an alternative for people to cope with their inner demons and the demanding urban society.

Directed by: Anna Nemes
Photographed by: Zágon Nagy, Asia Dér
Producer: Ágnes Horváth-Szabó, András Pires Muhi
Length: 51’/ 75 / 
Status: in production